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The Next Programming Skill You Should Learn (slickedit.com)
31 points by nickb on March 19, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Philip Greenspun in Founders At Work (p. 325):

The people who were really good software engineers were usually great writers; they had tremendous ability to organize their thoughts and communicate. The people who were sort of average-quality programmers and had trouble thinking about the larger picture were the ones who couldn't write.

I posted this before (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=127743), but that thread was already old, and it's relevant here too.

Edit: I'm not sure I agree with the (slickedit) post, though. Saying "Learn to write" is more like saying "Learn to think" than "Learn to drive". One can improve and refine, but by the time a person gets to be a professional programmer I don't think one is likely to see order-of-magnitude improvement.

Reading good prose helps. Also, rewriting.

But good writers are far more likely to do these things than bad writers are. Among what Greenspun calls the "average-quality programmers", I can't think of many who could care less about reading good prose (they read MSDN at best), or about rewriting anything at all (even their code).

Absolutely, but I've been seeing a trend here. Two kinds of great hackers a)-Great writers and they write good stuff e.g. PG. b)-Great hackers but they don't write a thing e.g. RTM. Yeah, I know he and other such hackers write plethora of cool academic papers but I always wish if more great hackers like RTM & others would write stuff for public en-masse. May be, this is just not possible. Just a mere wish.

RTM = ?

"Wordpad and Paint are sufficient, and don’t tell me you don’t have those."

I don't have 'dows.

Good writing and good code are similar:

Elements of Style: Omit Needless Words

Pragmatic Programmer's Guide: Don't Repeat Yourself

speaking of slickedit, it's a very good editor. it has all the source editing stuff you could want like intellisense and tagging and whatnot, along with emulation for a bunch of editors like VS, emacs, vim. if i didn't use so many of the advanced features of the official vim i would use slickedit

I absolutely agree... If you can't read your code, it shouldn't have been written in the first place. Otherwise, there's no way you'll be able to debug it when something goes wrong six months from now.

    Working in a cave
He was an introvert in a workspace full of extroverts. Working to short time lines in a code monkey shop reporting to various non-technical managers.

    The lifespan of a tech skill
The tools are chosen for him.

    The golden rule of documenting software design
The products are designed by committee on paper and changed at regular intervals. Everyone had a good, different idea of what constituted the final product.

learn to write? i try hard for long time but me still don't does it right.

This is why outsourcing to India is a bad idea.

'learn to write' should include 'learn to write simple prose that can be read by non-Native English speakers'.

Personally, I find this much harder than writing elegant prose for people who speak English fluently.

Can you please elaborate?

It was a joke based on the grandparents use of bad English.


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