I am referring to Google's realtime collaboration features. Given a URL, you can enter the document and see it being modified in real time, as well as edit, annotate and comment in real time.
It's 2017, this is how we work now. My colleagues (literally) across the world are not going to connect to some shared NFS drive or whatever via VPN to store documents.
What if the shared drive is automatically mounted on your computer when you log on?
One drive for your personal documents only for you. One drive for your team only visible and editable by people in your team. One drive company wide with common stuff.
You can send a link to your colleagues and it just works! That doesn't support multiple editing though. That's how things were done historically.
Google doc is good to send a documents to a bunch of emails and see/edit the documents. It's terrible to write longer documents with advanced formatting, pictures and schemas.