> You still have to put the second NAS somewhere, preferably offsite to avoid the house-burns-down fail case.
Think pretty much the only viable solution for this for home users
is to have a 'peering agreement' with a trusted friend where you each
colo the others machine at your home.. however this can be tricky
because you're sticking all of your sensitive stuff in someone elses
house and trading some level of full network acess to each other -
though I suppose trading access to some kind of encrypted rsync-like dumps or similar might work without some of those risks being too high
Think pretty much the only viable solution for this for home users is to have a 'peering agreement' with a trusted friend where you each colo the others machine at your home.. however this can be tricky because you're sticking all of your sensitive stuff in someone elses house and trading some level of full network acess to each other - though I suppose trading access to some kind of encrypted rsync-like dumps or similar might work without some of those risks being too high