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That's true, but it's also not very relevant.

Many asteroids and barren planets are also going to be fine, but I don't think anyone cares about that. People care about the future of human civilization, which is very much at risk.

Yes, but that's very different from "killing the planet". If what you care about is the future of human civilization, then that's what you ought to be talking about. Bringing up "killing the planet" just invites eye rolls.

Personally, I care more about the future of consciousness than about the future of humanity, per se.

There is probably intelligent conscious life out there in the universe, and considering the mass extinction we are setting up right now it might be best to leave it alone. So keep consuming, burn that coal and save the aliens (from us)!

People pointing out the distinction between "killing the planet" and "killing off our species" is what causes my eyes to roll. Seems to me like a moot point.

edit: /mute/moot/g

Well, "the planet" = "our species" is a big part of the problem, no?

Not sure. If that somehow poetically translates into the reason it is so easy for us to demonize science with corrupted politics... Then you get a "100% yes" from me. :)

Yeah, I think that we agree :)

Science: "Climate change will destroy human civilization."

Big oil: "They lie. No problem. Anyway, God gave it all to us."

Well, if you want to spin it positively, that problem might take care of itself. Literally.

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