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But MySQL's problem is that those "archaic defaults" shouldn't have happened in the first place.

No matter how good MySQL is good at documenting their bugginess, weirdness, flakiness and overall history of legacy warts, the point was PostgreSQL eliminates pretty much all of this through promoting, at every single stage of the development process, the same strict, uncompromising QA principles. By doing this, legacy behaviour generally disappears.

Postgres isn't bug-free, of course. But they take great care to not be continually chased by a tsunami of technical debt. If you build a house on a crappy foundation, you get a crappy house, so it's a good idea to spend time on the foundation before building the house. The Postgres team spent years on the foundation, before building the higher-level parts, and the rewards are obvious.

Meanwhile, MySQL has spent years and years slowly mopping up tech debt. Things have gotten a lot better with the tighter semantics, such as preventing "February 29th" from being inserted, or rejecting "0000-00-00" as a date, or silently ignoring data coercion errors, and so on. But those things shouldn't have happened in the first place if the developers had been better at QA. So while you're right that the documentation is decent at describing various legacy semantics, it's also encodes a history of carelessness that's rather embarrassing reading.

By the way, date/datetime regression I mention isn't in the documentation at all. It's in their bug tracker.

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