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I tried Modafinil and it just gave me a bad headache. I would be okay the first 4-5 hours, but by late afternoon, I would be edgy, anxious and fighting a searing headache.

I live in India so Moda is also incredibly cheap for me - about $0.15 per tablet. Plus, it's available without a prescription.

I live in France, it seems to cost between $50 and $60 [0] so 300 times your price! That said I certainly would not take any Modafinil.

[0] http://www.lepharmacien.fr/produitafine/medicament/vdf/231

Is it available OTC in India? I've tried a few places in Bangalore, but all of them asked for a prescription. Even online, NetMeds requires a proof of prescription before you can buy it.

Armodafinil have me a huge headache, whereas normal modafinil does not. I've heard it's different for everybody.

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