You can use Electron and do that. Not a ton of love for it around here because omg a web page as a desktop app the horror but I've had good experiences with it. (And if you e ever used Slack or Atom, you've used Electron)
>You can use Electron and do that. Not a ton of love for it around here because omg a web page as a desktop app the horror but I've had good experiences with it.
Parent specifically mentions they want to get away from the performance issues of web apps [1] -- and you suggest they use Electron -- and even bring up Atom and Slack as examples, the worst CPU/slowness offenders of all time?
[1] "Currently we are running into some performance issues with large datasets and spreadsheets, and being able to offer a performant desktop app would be ideal"
You can use Electron to handle performance-sensitive large datasets and spreadsheets for a desktop app. But I think there is an even better solution for this: you could program it in DOS 5.0 batch and ship it with a Windows 3.1 VM to really juice out that last bit of performance and efficiency.