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You can use Electron and do that. Not a ton of love for it around here because omg a web page as a desktop app the horror but I've had good experiences with it. (And if you e ever used Slack or Atom, you've used Electron)

>You can use Electron and do that. Not a ton of love for it around here because omg a web page as a desktop app the horror but I've had good experiences with it.

Parent specifically mentions they want to get away from the performance issues of web apps [1] -- and you suggest they use Electron -- and even bring up Atom and Slack as examples, the worst CPU/slowness offenders of all time?

[1] "Currently we are running into some performance issues with large datasets and spreadsheets, and being able to offer a performant desktop app would be ideal"

"I really want React for desktop apps". There's currently one way to achieve that, was simply suggesting it.

They didn't mention web apps at all.

You can use Electron to handle performance-sensitive large datasets and spreadsheets for a desktop app. But I think there is an even better solution for this: you could program it in DOS 5.0 batch and ship it with a Windows 3.1 VM to really juice out that last bit of performance and efficiency.

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