Hello YC! I'm a current UC Berkeley computer science student in my junior year (and loving it), and I've been mulling around this question in my mind for the last couple of weeks: Should I spend my summer at a small (30 people) startup or at a reasonably big (1000 people) CS/Art company? I have an offer from each of these categories, the pay is the same, and i'm pretty sure both would be a great working environment. What I'm left to decide is which one to take, especially considering the experience and education I would get in each sphere.
I really can't decide, so I'm hoping for some opinions from the hackers here at YC news. Which would you choose?
I recommend working for a major corporation at the early part of your career because you will learn that inside a major corporation you are nothing but a cog in the machine. If you are happy doing that type of work then life for you is set. If you are not happy doing that type of work, then you now have the adult-equivalent of "don't touch that!" branded into your soul.
In essence, the only way to know what type of person you are, start-up or big corporation, is to test the waters at a big corporation. The other way around doesn't work in my opinion because you need a stable environment in which to formulate a decision, and a startup would simply have to many unknowns to formulate the decision properly.