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Citation for training NN for image classification task where evolution works well?

Let's say you want to use a genetic algorithm to find a good set of weights: you generate, mutate, combine and select many random networks, and repeat this process many times. How many networks and how many times? That depends on the length of your chromosome and complexity of the task. Networks that work well for image classification need at least a million weights. The entire set of weights is a single chromosome. You realize now how computationally intractable this task is on modern hardware?

> NN for image classification task

You've created your own straw man here.

> "You realize now how computationally intractable this task is on modern hardware?"

Here are the people that prove it isn't computationally intractable : https://blog.openai.com/evolution-strategies/ - but to say they've discovered a new breakthrough method is over-selling the result.

You said: "training NNs (for any purpose) using evolution works well". I gave you an example of a purpose where it does not work well. So, let me ask you again: can you give an example of evolutionary methods that work well when applied to training NNs, other than this breakthrough by OpenAI, which only works for RL?

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