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But the science fiction I know and love is not what is mainstream. Consider the new Star Trek movies. They're bad action movies.

So is GiTS.

Hollywood has a real problem with science fiction. It almost always waters it down into a creature-feature, with the usual generic sex and weapon play.

Deeper questions about culture, mystery, and identity tend to be removed at the screen writing stage.

There are exceptions - Contact and Arrival - but the trend at the moment seems to be towards shallow empty spectacle with a lot of running, jumping, shouting, shooting, and CGI. Add a few wisecracks and skin-tight costumes and you're done.

For a different take I'd recommend anything by Tarkovsky. Stalker and Solaris are brilliantly imaginative masterpieces with no modern CGI at all.

I agree with most of this post but Solaris is truly painful to watch. A five minute long shot of a freeway is really pushing the line between "slow, subtle artistry" and "banal, cheaply produced filler" (and yes, I'm aware Tarkovsky said it was to get rid of impatient viewers). Also I found the unexplained usage of dwarfs for no reason other than to add "weirdness" questionable.

> Stalker and Solaris are brilliantly imaginative masterpieces

But definitely not science and hardly fiction (as in fiction books).

They're in same category as Twin Peaks or Lost - an unencumbered and hardly explained flights of imagination.

Solaris is one of those rare stories that has been reinterpreted multiple times in very different ways, and they are all interesting. Both films and the book are good, but with different tones and focuses.

Unfortunately between the pervasiveness of CGI and the economics of today's film industry (a lot of the money comes from non-US and action works a lot better than dialog there), a lot of films get overwhelmed by action sequences these days. SFish (and superhero) films are certainly among the worst offenders but I find a lot of movies these days seem to have a decent core that's overwhelmed by 10 minute fight scenes or whatever with loads of effects.

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