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> But again many of these loans are not just simple transactions in the marketplace, but rather subsidized social programs, where the government in promoting the program has a reasonable expectation that some part of this subsidy should fall to the borrower, and is reasonable frustrated when a provider whom they have hired tries to prevent this.

IF SO, that seems like a damning indictment of the government and the contracts they have drawn up then?

If you're trying to run some sort of soft touch social program where maximising the amount collected isn't your primary goal, then obvious the ONE thing you shouldn't do is then outsource managing it to a private company who gets paid based on their ability to maximise the account collected. Right? Given that's the one thing the government could do most likely to undermine their goals?

If you want happy borrowers, sign a contract with Navicent that pays them based on their NPS score. :)

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