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When Chrome was launched, all you could see when using Google were Chrome ads, and with good reason - success by word of mouth alone can only come if your product is significantly better than the alternatives, which Chrome definitely was not (probably still isn't).

I do find some satisfaction in this, though, because another browser comes to mind. Firefox won its brief market dominance not through intrinsic quality (although it had some potential, and was surely better than IE), but through marketing campaigns, just like Chrome. Now the once-mighty are falling, and they ask themselves what went wrong. Well, when your product's only selling point are extensions (mainly developer extensions) and instead of focusing on performance, features and security you keep spouting "safer faster better" [1], there will come a time when someone with more marketing money to throw around will take your place, because your foundation isn't solid. Also, "good enough" works for most people, so if the IT person in their family set up Chrome for them, that's what they'll be using (just like they were using Firefox a decade ago).

[1] There used to be a "Firefox myths" website, it's not up anymore. http://www.gilsmethod.com/whyfirefoxnotsaferfasterbetter

I think Firefox has recently had a bit of a fire lit under them, and has been going full steam at getting back into being a competitive option.

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