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The 6 second thing is a little bit of a mistake that sensationalizes the story. He actually ran off course for 2 miles and missed some of the checkpoints - full text from the race director below [1].

Obviously this race is pretty hardcore and the people that participate are freaking awesome! The race should be sensational based on that alone, but alas journalists need to add a little more spice...

    A message from the RD of The Barkley Marathons #bm100:

    i wish i had never said 6 seconds...

    gary had just come in after having run off course
    and missing the last 2 miles of the barkley.
    that is, of course, not a finish.

    i do, however, always record when runners come in,
    whether they are finishing a loop, or not.
    so, i had looked at the watch,
    even tho there was no possibility that he would be counted as a finisher.

    so, when someone asked if he had gotten in before the limit;
    i foolishly answered.

    i never expected the story to somehow become that he had missed the time limit by 6 seconds.
    he failed to complete the course by 2 miles.
    the time, in that situation, is meaningless.

    i hate it, because this tale perpetuates the myth that the barkley does not have a course.
    the barkley is a footrace.
    it is not an orienteering contest,
    nor a scavenger hunt.
    the books are nothing more than unmanned checkpoints.

    the boston marathon has checkpoints.
    and you have to show up at all of them or you can be disqualified...

    that does not mean you are allowed to follow any route you choose between checkpoints.

    now, the class with which gary handled this terrible disappoinment
    at the end of a truly magnificent performance...
    that was exceptional,
    and is, in and of itself, a remarkable achievement.

    but he did not miss the time limit by 6 seconds.
    he failed to complete the barkley by 2 miles.



> The river was maybe fifteen feet wide and absolutely raging from all the rain we were experiencing. I took one step off the river bank and was already chest deep. I would never have made the decision to attempt to swim such waters under anything other than a highly sleep deprived and stressed state of mind.

It really seems like just a matter of time until someone dies on the course.

That's true of many trail ultras with single track. A wrong step in the wrong place you're going down a cliff.

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