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Two classic mistakes with 20:20 hindsight. Linux makes updates more complicated because of it's monokernel and Java well.....Oracle....

There wouldn't be any problem with Oracle if they didn't try to scam Sun.

There are lots of companies selling JVMs, many of them with extensions, and none of them got sued.

Why? Because they play by the rules, instead of trying to be different.

And at least on those platforms I can make use of proper Java 7 and 8 features, not the cherry picked ones on Android.

Apache Foundation tried to scam Sun?

Nice game of words.

Google was pretty much aware that GPL with Classpath exception was only for Java SE, not targeted at embedded deployments, but paying the license required for embedded deployments was too expensive apparently.

According to Gosling, Sun would have sued Google if they still had any money left on the bank, instead Jonathan decided to make the public support announcement, angering quite a few folks internally.

His blog posts are no longer live, but old references are quite easy to find.

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