>E.g. Maintaining national culture/race/identity. A people should be allowed to want this without having every single talking-head of the media party assaulting them for wanting it.
To be fair, there are historically valid justifications for that negative reception. People who advocate cultural and racial identity politics in the modern day shouldn't be surprised at the criticism they receive, as they themselves denounce the "certain very left-leaning, anti-male, anti-traditional, anti-rich, anti-white, pro-immigration viewpoints" of the mainstream.
Well sure, have some people taken those viewpoints to bad conclusions? Of course, and rightly we shouldn't allow such actions to take place at all. But, extermination, expulsion and interment are a far cry from what most people advocate when talking about maintaining their racial/cultural identity in the face of rampant immigration from disparate cultures. If anything, most of the time, people simply advocate that immigration should be made slow/mild enough to allow for assimilation. Yet, that exact same viewpoint gets them labeled "white supremacists" and "racists" with no further discussion or nuance.
To be fair, there are historically valid justifications for that negative reception. People who advocate cultural and racial identity politics in the modern day shouldn't be surprised at the criticism they receive, as they themselves denounce the "certain very left-leaning, anti-male, anti-traditional, anti-rich, anti-white, pro-immigration viewpoints" of the mainstream.