I agree with you that it's not an original analogy, in fact I think you can safely say that most larger, performance-oriented systems end up looking more like an OS than not. There's a large overlap in the problems that need to be solved and the resources available to distributed systems, that I'd be more skeptical of an implementation that didn't lean heavily on the OS, or at least borrow the general patterns.
To answer your question about consistency, we have implemented a transaction resolution mechanism inspired by Calvin. The whitepaper contains a lot more detail, but the short answer is that we use a consistent, distributed transaction log to provide a global order of all read-write transactions, which are executed deterministically on the responsible data partitions. This allows FaunaDB to provide a guarantee of strict-serializability for read-write transactions. Read-only transactions are by default a bit more relaxed and provide a hard guarantee of serializability in order to avoid global coordination overhead.
To answer your question about consistency, we have implemented a transaction resolution mechanism inspired by Calvin. The whitepaper contains a lot more detail, but the short answer is that we use a consistent, distributed transaction log to provide a global order of all read-write transactions, which are executed deterministically on the responsible data partitions. This allows FaunaDB to provide a guarantee of strict-serializability for read-write transactions. Read-only transactions are by default a bit more relaxed and provide a hard guarantee of serializability in order to avoid global coordination overhead.