For what it's worth, I'm a pretty happy vim-fireplace user for evaluating files and forms. I also happily use standard vim brace matching, text-objects, etc instead of paredit or similar.
For JVM development, I only bother with NREPL because vim-fireplace needs it. For library development, `lein repl` gets the job done. For application development, I copy/paste around just enough code to launch an nrepl server and run the Clojure jar directly with a vendored directory of jar files. No other tools needed really.
For JVM development, I only bother with NREPL because vim-fireplace needs it. For library development, `lein repl` gets the job done. For application development, I copy/paste around just enough code to launch an nrepl server and run the Clojure jar directly with a vendored directory of jar files. No other tools needed really.