First, what works in Europe is not necessarily portable. We could just as easily pick things that are better about the U.S. and badger Europeans about why they're not doing it that way when "it is plainly working fine".
Second, everyone attempts to cast every policy decision they dislike as evidence of corruption, chicanery, etc., but I don't think that's typically the case. The fact that a corporation and an elected representative agree regarding some policies does not immediately invalidate the position, nor should it immediately implicate the representative in accusations of malfeasance.
People have spent significant time in this thread discussing the pros and cons of such a policy, yet you insist that the only possible reason it would fail with the people's representatives is that "a small minority are profiting from a broken system". I guess since an advocate carried around a binder full of positive reviews, we assume that must be the universal sentiment of the people?
Is it not plausible that, as seen throughout this thread, many people simply don't agree that this would be a positive change?
Second, everyone attempts to cast every policy decision they dislike as evidence of corruption, chicanery, etc., but I don't think that's typically the case. The fact that a corporation and an elected representative agree regarding some policies does not immediately invalidate the position, nor should it immediately implicate the representative in accusations of malfeasance.
People have spent significant time in this thread discussing the pros and cons of such a policy, yet you insist that the only possible reason it would fail with the people's representatives is that "a small minority are profiting from a broken system". I guess since an advocate carried around a binder full of positive reviews, we assume that must be the universal sentiment of the people?
Is it not plausible that, as seen throughout this thread, many people simply don't agree that this would be a positive change?