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I found that the killer application for Javascript would be to write github repos for Javascript wrappers for typescript. Seriously, why is CSS as Javascript objects a thing? Are we so bored with the stack we've been using that we can only make things interesting by cross compiling everything? It makes me think of this video: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death...

That's exactly why we made styled-components![0]

I really dislike writing styles as JavaScript objects, so styled-components let's you write actual CSS in JavaScript. We have also added support for a bunch of editors, so you don't miss out on syntax highlighting just because of that.

I'd encourage you to check it out!

[0]: https://www.styled-components.com

I just discovered http://typestyle.io/ which should make it much easier to write CSS in JS... Auto-completion everywhere...

I'll probably steal the approach for my own CSS-in-JS lib (j2c).

+1 for typestyle. My team and I have been using it for the past few weeks in trying to clean up a rather monolithic css project, and it's been really cool to work with.

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