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I disagree with the work ethic point, but I do think it's interesting and instead of both of us speculating would love to see some actual data.

There are a ton of dumbass people out there chugging away at grinding jobs to stay alive, and a ton of brilliant people sitting at their desks reading hacker news (not to imply that I'm brilliant; it's the rest of you I mean).

I disagree with the work ethic point based one a single datum. my work ethic drastically changed at one point in my life - whilst my IQ should have remained constant, and its quite high - 144.5 on the Mensa test I took some 15 years ago.

Similar story here - I had no work ethic at all until I failed my first year at University. (I had excellent school results, five unconditional offers of places at University etc.).

I went back, worked very hard, passed the exam I failed (maths) and after that graduated with a 1st.

I also got a stupidly high mark in an IQ test when I was 16 - largely as we had an educational psychologist in the family who had bombarded me with tests since I was about 4. There is no way that stuff actually makes you smarter but it sure does make you better at passing silly tests.

whilst my IQ should have remained constant

IQ scores can and do change over the course of life.


How would you objectively measure work ethic?

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