Raise your hand if you're surprised that the only unfilled seats are the ones who will be in favor of fewer ads. I wonder how many meetings have been held already to discuss strategy, in their absence. I also wonder whether it will matter, with 7 seats for ad agencies (4+3; I'm not fooled by this "expert" bullshit for one second), and 3 for anti-ad advocates, plus some rando.
The good thing is that everyone, including the ad agencies, has a motivation to not allow shitty ads. The acceptable ads program only affects people who have already demonstrated tech-savvyness (either directly or by having a relative helping with it) and unwillingness to tolerate bad ads by installing an adblocker in the first place.
They know that if the ads get too annoying, people will block them completely, and they've seen how much it sucks when that happens.
Hence, if they're smart, they'll try to be decent about the criteria (and might find a way to get rid of the taboola/outbrain clickbait that makes people disable acceptable ads, but is tolerated by ABP because it pays). If not, that's OK too - acceptable ads will die, and their ads will be blocked completely.