I especially dislike the "let's make spotify, but on blockchain" approach the community has. They simply don't get that people won't switch over to their solution just because it's running ethereum blockchain.
Are you kidding? Who doesn't want an Uber for the Blockchain, where they can enter into a smart contract with their driver before getting into the vehicle?!
I've wanted that. Barring privacy, safety and quality concerns.
If it is possible in ETH to build smart financial contracts but also encode state into the "wallet", such that reputation was earned or lost, then they really might have a winning strategy.
There is no real reason why distributed Uber/Lyft shouldn't exist.
I want that. Then it would be truly peer-to-peer. Where intermediaries are needed, the services the intermediaries offer can be debundled so that there's competition for the various services, driving fees down and quality up.