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> They didn't make that claim, they are just people doing the best they can in the world.

It's not enough.

The people here were trying to "do their best." In direct and immediately visible effect of their "best intentioned" actions, their daughter was harmed much worse than she would be had they known what to do.

There's a famous novella from the late 19th century where a village girl catches a cold. She's then packed into a bread furnace for some time, to make her "sweat the illness out," by her very own parents. The girl dies, of course, burned to death, the end.

The parents in TFA did exactly the same thing. They ended up not killing their daughter by sheer luck, but they still harmed her greatly. Do you really think they should be absolved of their fault because they "meant well?" Or is their fault any lesser just because they "didn't know?"

No. Sorry, but no. They could have known. They could have educated themselves. They could have used contraceptives in the first place. They could have prevented the tragedy, yet they didn't. It. Is. Their. Fault. Period.

However, the mother refuses to acknowledge even that much, to the very end. I have my opinion about such behavior, and it's not favorable one.

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