I've only ever had opioid painkillers after dental work, and it's enough to convince me that I must _never_ try heroin.
You have my kind thoughts and best wishes.
I never understood how people could be addicted to drugs until the middle of the night screaming in an emergency room bed. A kidney stone was causing so much pain morphine wouldn't touch it. Unbearable.
The nurse came in and put something in my IV and I just stopped. The pain stopped. I stopped talking to my wife in mid-sentence. Everything was fine. My world just stopped and I liked it.
As the nurse left my wife asked what I was given and it was dilaudid, which is equal to heroin on the equianalgesic scale.
It was right then I understood how people become addicted to drugs. Like you, it convinced me to never try heroin or any other opiates outside of emergency medical care.
Thanks, I really appreciate it! All things considered things are actually going really well. My relationship with my SO is better than ever, my career is going well, I'm actually starting a new job next week. I managed to keep my life together through all of this, and I know I'm very lucky for that.