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Totally agree. I got scammed with fancy airbnb pictures a couple of times and now I don't go near it with a 100ft pole.

It's totally lost its feel of welcoming host. Now it's just another hotel that's poorly run by people who want to make a quick buck.

I stay to hotels even if it's slightly expensive. The level of service and quality is always guaranteed

Sorry to hear that. Did those renters also have good reviews?

If so, that might indicate that you can buy fake reviews on ABnB now.

Reviews are a very bad indicator in my experience.

My airbnb stays from 2013-2015 were great and the average tanked.

Airbnb is still doing well and profitable so good for them.

That stinks. I'm a hotel person myself but I am curious did you have any recourse with AirBnB when this happened?

I did message them. The guest had strict cancellation policy so I just got sympathy.

It seemed airbnb customer service did not understand concept of "lifetime value" of customer. They could have made a lot more money in long term if they just refunded a bad experience.

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