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I have to say, I give you props for responding so cordially after I was overtly harsh. I'm sure you could have bashed me, but didn't so thank you.

That being said, I think the best way to improve the process is to try to standardize it by area of expertise. I'm sure that is done to some degree, but I think more pronounced may be better. I think of roles within companies are too static and don't actually represent role(s).

Regardless, best of luck. I didn't mean to be a dick, but I felt obligated to share my opinion in this case.

You are thanking someone for not bashing you publicly? What am I missing? I didn't see anything "harsh" in you sharing your experience.

Based on your other replies, it sounds like the computer vision part of the interview was fine then. Did you struggle with other parts of the interview then technically speaking?

I'm sure I did, although I don't recall any hard fail. Could have been social skills too I suppose. Either way, I feel my original comment was the real gripe I had. It left a bad taste in my mouth and that damages reputations.

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