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My favourite part of this is how my perceptions have changed.

    - This cannot be possible
    - Awww, they got pretty close that's incredible
    - Great Scott, they've done it!
    - Heh, they're getting good at this
    - There's no way they'll fuck this up

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

And then once the trick is revealed, it stops being magic and just becomes "boring" math/engineering/etc.


- Yawn, another landing. It just lands, nothing exciting to see.

luckily between here and there the'll be a lot of entertaining fireworks to be had.

the only shameful aspect of it is how the press will portray failures as terrible events for SpaceX, while they're still pushing the envelope and boundaries of what we think it's possible with failures being normal for quite some time yet.

I think SpaceX has done a good job countering this perspective so far. Their press releases and web casts consistently reinforce that the landing is merely a secondary objective and an experiment which they will learn a great deal from whether it blows up or not.

Pretty much my thinking too.

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