I really should be doing something else, but this is too interesting.
It doesn't yet, but it could. Keep it mind, at the worst case scenario I get to pick which of the four individual minifiers I run. I will always at least be able to match the best one.
There is absolutely nothing that prevents me from running zopfli over the final outputs and comparing the sizes. I can use the compressed size to drive search. A matter of a change in metric used to consider what is an improvement.
I'll add this to my todo list on this project. Looks like I may be doing more on this than I originally intended...
And while at that, load it PhantomJS and measure parse and render time. Then try to figure out what weight to give bandwidth VS cpu performance, realize other things can hog the cpu, get an icecream and give up.
It doesn't yet, but it could. Keep it mind, at the worst case scenario I get to pick which of the four individual minifiers I run. I will always at least be able to match the best one.
There is absolutely nothing that prevents me from running zopfli over the final outputs and comparing the sizes. I can use the compressed size to drive search. A matter of a change in metric used to consider what is an improvement.
I'll add this to my todo list on this project. Looks like I may be doing more on this than I originally intended...