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Reddit [1] asked Bill Gates: "What is your idea of success?". His reply: "Warren Buffett has always said the measure is whether the people close to you are happy and love you."

As a father I also think this is the most important, no matter what. If it means you will be an average programmer, so be it.

But I discovered that you can still keep up by keeping it simple. Because simple saves time.

For example I wanted to learn more about creating web apps. So I took an evening and checked out all kinds of Javascript frameworks like React, Angular, and so on. And I after looking at the examples I ended up with VueJs. Why? Because I could just download one Javascript file to get started. No need to learn all about thousands of package managers, about NodeJs and what not.

I'm not trying to start a war about which Javascript framework is best, or which other framework just works by downloading one file. But what I like to point out, is that there are sometimes options that just work without you having to learn a ton of other stuff.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5whpqs/im_bill_gates_...

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