As a Scala dev, I'm amused to see the Scala call-out :)
Undoubtedly, it's a language that is a little tricky to get fully fluent, but I'm curious what things pop out to you as bad ergonomics? I think it actually doesn't suffer in many of the ways identified for Rust in this article.
It's a bit late here, so I won't go into much detail, but just rant a bit. Hope that's OK and gives a general impression of my personal gripes.
EDIT: Well, that rant turned out longer than I imagined... and it's even later now, so I'll probably go to bed momentarily.
EDIT#n: PS: Scala's still better than Java, but please don't tell me Scala's in any way "coherent" or "well-designed" or "orthogonal". Haven't really tested Kotlin or Ceylon, but I get the feeling that those are really much more c-or-w/d languages for the JVM. Plus, "orthogonal" doesn't mean shit if your ergonomics suffer like they do in Scala.
First: See Scala Puzzlers + PaulP's rants... and that's not even half of it. (Yes, I know collections are going to be "fixed", but... not really. I don't think the fact that Odersky still seems to be calling all the shots on that front is in any way encouraging.)
Second: An especially annoying thing is the way "_" desugaring works which sometimes leads to really surprising results when it turns out that "no, you cannot use _ to stand for 'identity' in a function parameter context". This was a conflation of 'features' namely that scalac doesn't warn when a unit-returning method is actually with an expression that doesn't return unit. If that explanation doesn't make sense, I apologize -- it's a complicated issue that's hard to explain... which is exactly my problem with some of the problems I've experienced in Scala :)
Third: The whole "let's encode typeclasses as implicit parameters" thing is insane. AFAIUI this is actually a thing that was intentional. Unless you have actualy real+usable dependent types it's a huge mistake to get rid of coherence[1]. (Plus, TCs are a semantic-level feature. You don't want to force people to "encode" semantic things you care about in your concrete syntax. That way lies "[OOP] patterns".)
Fourth: The whole "for-yield" thing. WTF? Either do monadic notation like it matters or just don't do it. For-yield leads to incredibly noisy code. (It's not even consistent, try starting your for-yield with a "x = ..." line, and you'll see.). The fact that monadic notation starts with a "for" and that collection iteration starts with a "for" is NOT in any way a sign that your language design is "orthogonal" as Odersky loves to claim. It just means that the language designer didn't really understand what he was doing. (As you can probably gather I'm a Haskeller/Idirs'er/etc.). Syntax for these things matters.
Fifth: ... and a follow-up to that: @tailrec isn't enough: That fact that explicit trampolining is basically required for any monadic Scala code basically kills the idea of monadic programming right off the bat... unless you're willing to invest huge amounts of time into it for-yield is just unusable. (Yes, I'm aware of the Free monad. One hopes that the performance problems have been solved, but it's still not always enough to have a Free monad.). Honestly I think it would have been better to invest time into implementing tail-rec on the JVM rather than wasting that time on @tailrec. I do mean wasting -- any situation where @tailrec applies, I could have trivially replaced (or "encoded" that "pattern") that code with a while loop and a var.
Sixth: Why isn't Monad/Monoid/etc. in the standard library? This goes back to my third point which is that the language doesn't actually encode semantics of typeclasses, and so now we have "scalaz" with its Monad and "non" with its Monad, and "fs2" with its scalaz-stripped-down-copy-of Monad. WTF? This is not needed -- these typeclasses have stood the test of time and it's only because Scala insists on encoding them that we ended up here. (Encoding via various implicit magic tricks, the fact that everything has to be an object, etc. It's fucking ridiculous.)
Summary: There's a lot of completely accidental complexity because Scala wasn't really designed as a coherent whole... it just sort of "grew organically". (Like almost every language out there.)
[1] Yes, you gain a "choice" of instances via imports. Guess how often that's actually useful vs. harmful? Never. It's absolutely insane that your imports can change your serialization/deserializion code.
Undoubtedly, it's a language that is a little tricky to get fully fluent, but I'm curious what things pop out to you as bad ergonomics? I think it actually doesn't suffer in many of the ways identified for Rust in this article.