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In this particular case, you don't have a choice. If you run an NRA ad in Everytown's campaign, Everytown is the less-loved customer.

Why is that? Is Everytown's message so shoddy that it can't hold its own against a ten second NRA ad?

It makes no difference one way or the other. The idea is that customer A doesn't want their campaign paired with ads from customer B. I don't care whether they're right or wrong in feeling that way -- they clearly do feel that way. So if you do it anyway, you are absolutely making a clear choice that you favor customer B.

That's my only point. There's no way to abstain and keep the goodwill of everyone.

Basically, yes.

> Basically, yes.

Maybe you should visit their site: http://everytown.org/who-we-are/

Why do you say that?

Numbers have been crunched and conclusions have been drawn.

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