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More like "непокоряемость", but modern Latvians like @tikums forgot it.

The word for independence ("neatkarība") in Latvian is a calque from the German Abhängigkeit ‎("dependence")[1]. Thus, "atkarāties" and "karāties" ("to hang"). Thus, the English expression "it hangs in the balance". On balance, most of the things you've said about the Latvian language in this thread hang by a thread, and that thread is close to tear.

Please check your sources and brush up on whatever rudimentary Latvian skills you still posses. You will certainly not master the language by defaulting to what is, in essence, chauvinism. Rest assured, we can read between the lines of what you're implying ["Russian language superior! We have big words, words for everything! The best words!], but it's just not gonna fly here.

[1] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/atkar%C4%ABba

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