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Show HN: Pinecone – View, design, and manufacture your own genetic devices (serotiny.bio)
5 points by jfarlow on March 1, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Justin here. We've spent the past two years building software to make the design of genetic tools easy and straightforward. I'm here to answer any questions about the software, it's capabilities, or the tech behind it. The hope is to be a more 'plain language' abstraction layer on top both DNA, and the knowledge/expertise required to manipulate DNA. We'd like for those without an expertise in cloning to be able to find, design and start using the genetic constructs they want.

Specifically Pinecone is our software to build novel proteins based on functionally annotated domains. With it you can build single proteins, combinatorial sets of proteins, and mutation libraries all without ever having to actually dig into DNA sequences. Once you've built your novel genetic designs we help facilitate purchase of whatever deliverable is useful to you - double-stranded DNA, plasmid DNA, or purified protein.

I want to say thanks to the the HN, Go, and Ember communities for their fantastic tools that allow a scientist to get software like this off up and running.

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