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The problem is not automating, but Google shoots first and doesn't ask questions later. This leaves false positives helpless.

I'm not surprised Google closes their eyes and ignores false positives, your answer only confirms that.

I am in ads, and occasionally deal with ad fraud. So i cannot speak what they do for other products. I don't think you should derive any meaning from what I say.

Maybe you can answer a question I had for a long time. Many years ago my company got banned from adsense suspicious traffic. We got some standardised email, we mailed back and got some canned responses but no-one cared of course. I have no clue what it even means because no-one explained (besides links to vague blahblah), so 1) what does that mean? I can guess what it means, but how, if we didn't do it (and I seriously couldn't give a crap anymore at this time, but we had nothing to do with it), how can we be banned for it? Then 2) if Google can detect this traffic and qualify it, why not just delete it from the stats and leave it at that?

Edit; not saying you work there so you know it, but if you do and can say, i'm curious :)

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