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Video: John Nunemaker talks about mongoDB (webpulp.tv)
37 points by joshowens on May 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

  "John is the guy behind the popular mongoDB ruby ORM Mongo Mapper."
If you're looking at using MongoMapper in a Ruby project, be sure to take a look at Mongoid (http://mongoid.org/) first, it seems to have moved quite a bit faster than MongoMapper and uses a lot of the good stuff shipped with Rails 3 like validations, callbacks, etc.

Sweet! You should post this as a separate item. Looks like an awesome project.

Minor technical gripe, there's an annoying audio hiss, but the information is great.


Yeah, sorry about that, it is actually my laptop fan. I've fixed it in subsequent episodes of the podcast, but this was already recorded.

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