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World's Only Sample of Metallic Hydrogen Disappears in Lab (techtimes.com)
8 points by Meerax on Feb 26, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Someone, somewhere, somehow, took it. They were trying to do too much too soon. Most likly it was the Intergalactic Police. But it's a good thing it disappeared because the power companies would have had to increase rates three fold. Why, you ask? Because, even though it would be cheaper to produce and transmit power for the power companies, the consumer would have to shoulder the cost of this new material. Big Biz 101

Given that intergalactic trade is at an all time low, I think it's safe to say that the sample was stolen by someone keen on selling it for a tidy sum.

Pretty doubtful that there is anything driving crime beyond scarcity, paucity, and the greed that comes from having to have control over everything to assuage feelings of inadequacy.

If there is a galactic police then surely the intergalactic police and the cosmoslogical police have the matter well in hand. I know because no one told me....lol.

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