Tabula is the nice free tool but requires technical background to run it. There is a free with both online and offline tools (Windows) for PDF to CSV. (disclaimer: i work on it)
Hi there. We try to make a tool that's as simple to use as possible (given the constraints of a volunteer-run project such as Tabula). What technical background do you think is required to use it? (disclaimer: I'm the main author of Tabula)
hi and thank you for your work on Tabula! Well, some months ago I've advised to try Tabula and the first thing was the Java download page opened without any explanation. She managed to install java runtime and to try again but when was trying to upload files it was displaying either internal server error in jruby message or just a plain json in the browser.
So, in my opinion and experience it may require some efforts to run it (at least for the first time). But to _use_ it, for sure, no such a technical background is required.