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> 1) Git doesn't rely on SHA-1 for security. It relies on HTTPS, and a web of trust.

Some security-focused developers sign git tags and/or commits, specifically to have things verifiable end-to-end and not having to trust HTTPS and all the middle men that entails.

Would that not be a case where git relies on SHA1 for security? Someone could replace a tag or commit with a malicious version that verifies fine since it has the same hash the original developer signed.

> 3) Even if someone managed to pull off a preimage attack, creating a "poisonous" version of one your git repository's objects, they'd still have to convince you pull from their repo. This requires trust.

In the case of signed commits/tags, this opens projects up to malicious action by hosting companies and others. Usually signed commits and tags are used specifically to avoid that exposure, because the developers don't trust the infrastructure.

> 4) Even if you pulled it in, your git client would simply ignore their "poison" object, because it would say, "oh, no thanks, I already have that object". At worst, the code simply wouldn't work. No harm would be done.

That only protects existing checkouts that already have fetched that commit. What about new checkouts, or older checkouts that haven't been updated yet?

Not disputing that this SHA1 collision does not signal any immediate emergency, just pointing out that git is used in different ways by different people, and some of those uses very much do depend on git's SHA1 for security.

Another case where git uses SHA1 is submodules. You audit libfoo's well-regarded v1.3.3.7 release, commit badc00fee, decide it's suits your need and use that commit as a submodule in your project. You assume resolving the submodule will always give you same code (or fail).

Alas, libfoo author has been corrupted by The Adversary and later arranges for same hash to resolve to different code. (currently we're talking of collision not 2nd preimage, but libfoo's author could have been planning it all along, before your audit.)

["libfoo" here is fictional, I'm not refering to any of the projects actually named that.]

Similar things happen when Git hashes are exchanged by any side channel. The ability to use strong hashes as pointers to content inside any other data is the whole beauty of Merkle DAGs. Git submodules just happen to be one such channel that's part of git, but I think it's important to accept that git commit hashes are widely used outside git itself.

P.S. I see git-evtag already covers submodules. Nice.

Regarding tags, https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag seems like a really interesting idea.

or, you know, this could just be fixed in git by using a proper hash function that allows you to trust your merkle tree.

> Some security-focused developers sign git tags and/or commits, specifically to have things verifiable end-to-end and not having to trust HTTPS and all the middle men that entails.

This is a completely orthogonal, separate layer of security that has nothing to do with this particular issue.

Maybe quote the second line as well?

> Would that not be a case where git relies on SHA1 for security? Someone could replace a tag or commit with a malicious version that verifies fine since it has the same hash the original developer signed.

What's your response to this? To me it seems like this would be a serious issue.

You're right.

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