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The problem is that there are plenty of energy-storage companies available for you to invest into on the Stock Market.

AES Energy Storage for example, is building tons of energy storage across America. And you can support them by providing investment dollars.

So yeah, building companies (or at least, helping companies that match your worldview) is quite easy in this Democracy. Instead of complaining about it, you should be elevating AES Energy Storage and other similar companies.

>Instead of complaining about it, you should be elevating AES Energy Storage and other similar companies.

No. I refuse to accept a standard of discourse where one cannot even point out a problem without having already solved it. There are many, many hard problems with complex systems in the world, and no person, much less a complete outsider, can hope even to begin to address more than a very, very small number of them even if they dedicate their life to the task. Saying "fix it or shut up" is asinine.

Well, if stopping people from demanding you solve a problem before pointing it out is so simple, why don't you go do it then?


I'm sorry.

In all seriousness though, it's a no-expertise-needed response that's meant to shout down people who are particularly clueless and disconnected. Perhaps we need a substitute response, like calling for an expert on the relevant field to decide whether the person is clueless or not?

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