> Licensing a copy, writing a subpoena, or numerous other options. While it may not be convenient, I still don't see where freedoms are being harmed.
Licensing is the name of the legal act where the rights holder confers additional rights to the user. There is no licensing involved for all the examples I gave, and no permission from the rights holder because I already have those rights. I don't need to license anything to exercise those rights.
DRM is taking away the means for me to exercise rights I already have.
It is like me placing a fence around your car, then claiming you need permission from me to open that fence, to which I can then attach conditions. For you to drive your car you need to go through me, even if it's not all that convenient. No, not even to "make sure it's legal".
This is not reasonable, and you expecting anyone to be happy about such a thing is insane.
No, it is not taking away any of your rights. You still have all the same rights.
The access to the content requires additional work, that is all. The fact that you still have your rights is what allows you to request that access for whatever situation you're in.
So if I lock you in a room, I am not taking away any of your right to go where you choose ? It's just your "means of getting there" that are somewhat limited and those aren't protected by law.
And yes, that's exactly how insane you sound. If you limit my "access to my rights" you have definitely taken away those rights. Stop spouting bullshit.
Licensing is the name of the legal act where the rights holder confers additional rights to the user. There is no licensing involved for all the examples I gave, and no permission from the rights holder because I already have those rights. I don't need to license anything to exercise those rights.
DRM is taking away the means for me to exercise rights I already have.
It is like me placing a fence around your car, then claiming you need permission from me to open that fence, to which I can then attach conditions. For you to drive your car you need to go through me, even if it's not all that convenient. No, not even to "make sure it's legal".
This is not reasonable, and you expecting anyone to be happy about such a thing is insane.