Here's a feature request: How about allowing me to create tags for my items. That way my wife who has no interest in my tech links could subscribe only to those submissions tagged as "techless" for example.
So in effect, your friends could subscribe to a subset of your interests.
The information bottleneck that exists with specialized social networking apps sits directly behind the eyes and in the skulls of users, so tools that let people aggregate, sort and present social porn (Erm, sorry, meant INFORMATION) will be really valuable.
Sure, some of my friends may prefer the nuanced flavor of Twitter over Facebook, some of them may still be clutching their drama-laden Livejournals to their caffeine-laced hearts, but personally, as a consumer of the rich media content that my friends lives have become, I'd prefer not to have to stop at every one of those outlets in order to catch up with my friends.
The continued specialization of
and the expanding options presented by all these different outlets for social network-driven expression will, in the end subvert the very ease-of-use value proposition they tout. Aggregations like this let you have your cake and eat it too.
Indeed. That could never work.