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To expand on this, C++ fundamentally uses the same machine model as C (or at least one that's very, very close). Where C++ differs from C is the array of high-level language constructs, which map down to that common machine model (this is what is meant by "zero-cost abstractions"). The idea is that when you use a construct like templates or virtual functions, what it compiles down to is not significantly different from the analogous code you would write in C (hand-duplicated routines with different concrete types and structs-of-function-pointers, resp.).

There are exceptions (no pun intended) to this, namely exceptions, RTTI, global construction/destruction, and the intricacies of new/delete. As the article points out (as will anyone who advocates the use of C++ in constrained environments), none of these are really necessary to use C++ effectively and can be safely stubbed out.

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