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Tell HN: Maker Faire Bay Area 2010 (makerfaire.com)
19 points by kqr2 on May 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Please be on the lookout for my buddy's booth:


Find Tito--he will answer all your questions about hacking your genome!

Anybots is going to be there. Come try driving a robot. ;)

It would be cool if people could rent them remotely and attend the fair virtually.

I'll be showing my exercise bike connected to an xbox. Come say hi.

Definitely check out Pedal360, definitely one of the coolest/most practical exhibits at the fair.

I went last year and plan to go again on Sunday. It was incredible. I highly recommend that all HN readers in the bay area attend.

And keep an eye out for Rob Cockerham trying to make himself a celebrity with Paparazzi Contest II - http://www.cockeyed.com/personal/maker_paparazzi/maker_papar...

I will be coming! The trade show relevant to my startup was in aneheim earlier this week, so we'll be going to Maker Faire. No Booth, but ill be wandering around. If anyone cares to meet up, my info is all in my profile.

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