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> In addition to the points made by others, even when a leak is completely true, it can still be misleading.

That really hit me recently the whole comment about "The leaks are true but the news is fake" from trump.

I Immediately understood what he meant, that while the information may be true it's not the full picture and it can also be skewed by editorializing.

The fact that some in the media were outright saying "I don't know what he means by that, that makes 0 sense" is incredibly worrying that journalists can't see this.

I'm pretty sure that was the media's condensation of his statements, I don't believe he worded it that way at all. And I think the point is that much of what he calls fake news isn't at all, some disagreeable, highly partisan or otherwise biased, but also some completely accurate and correct.

I suspect the media understand it as well, they're not that dumb.

And, in fact, this is what the media does with everything. How bad is crime in America? Not as bad as the evening news leads to to believe. How much of the world is at peace? Way more than the evening news makes you think.

This is something that has amazed me since I was a child, I remember my grandmother warning me of risks that she saw on the evening news (tourists kidnapped in Mexico) while continuing to participate in far more risky behavior like smoking cigarettes in bed and frequently falling asleep while cooking for example. Same goes for concern over children being abused by strangers when it is far more likely to be an individual the parents and child trust. In either case, I'm not stating that the other is unimportant, but the perceived risk is completely incongruent with the facts.

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