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While I'm sure they exist, I've never met any young kids who were particularly good at telling stories. As with all things, some people have more natural talent than others, but I don't think anyone is very good right off the bat.

Think of it like any other art. Not everyone is equally good at it, but with practice, everyone gets better.

How many young kids have you met?

I used to be a Cub Scout (ages 7-10) leader in the UK. There were definitely certain children who could spin a yarn effortlessly. Though I can't rule out that being nurture it seems more likely to be based on a natural propensity.

Even in toddlers, with almost no language, some seem particularly adept at entertaining, which to me is a precursor for story-telling.

That's not being a novelist though, I think that's a different skill altogether. Novelists can be terrible story-tellers in person.

As a parent I've made up a few stories on the spot, it's really hard. Indeed just the telling part, with a story you think you know well (eg, for me, The Three Bears) is hard work.

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