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It's not an idea that needs putting to rest. There is no legitimate research that supports such causation. "Validation" would invalidate the existing body of research, which is improbable.

Why research has to validate everything? These are facts that children are regressing into Autism after MMR at 15 months.

Science still doesn't know how food gets digested and becomes poop. Will you stop eating, because science doesn't know what really happens during digestion?

> Science still doesn't know how food gets digested and becomes poop.

You're going to really need to provide some kind of evidence for this, because I'm pretty certain that scientists do have a pretty good idea how this process works.

For that matter, I could give you a layman's explanation that, while it may not be 100% accurate, probably would come really close to a real explanation...

Are you really saying "don't trust science, but do trust this scientific study that vaccines cause autism"? You're undermining your own argument.

I think the logic goes something like this (not limited to anti-vax folks by any means):

P: If my belief is false, I have no explanation for my experience.

P: Losing the explanation that I've used to validate my experience would be deeply uncomfortable.

C: My belief is true.

P: This scientific study agrees with my belief.

C: This scientific study is true.

These are facts that children are regressing into Autism after X at 15 months:

Choose your X:

Stop breastfeeding

Start walking

Start playing in the park

Start eating solids

Start throwing tantrums

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