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I don't find Go simple at all, actually. Any individual line of Go might be simpler than many individual lines of Scala. But understanding how the whole system works can actually get complicated, particularly in code where the lack of generics forces type information to be lost.

Consider a pipeline:

    source ~> retryQueue.firstInput ~> requestAttempter
    requestAttempter.successOutput ~> finalizeResult
    requestAttempter.failureOutput ~> retryQueue.failureInput
This is basically logic to process a stream of messages, successes get finalized, and failures go into a retry queue until they succeed. I've got a large system doing this right now with Akka streams.

In Scala, type signatures ensure that everything lines up or else you've got a compile error. In a similar Go system, I lacked stream abstraction (I think Cloudflare has a beta library that does this now) and the lack of generics mean that streams are untyped.

For example, what if I pass a `Message` object to `retryQueue.failureInput` rather than a `MessageWithRetryMetadata`?

So I don't agree at all that Go code is easier to understand and maintain than Scala.

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