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I also care about democracy. I hope that in the future, the DNC doesn't collude with the mainstream media to destroy any real chances of a third-party in this country.

Since they haven't apologized to the American public for doing so and instead keep doubling-down on emotional rhetoric, I don't want them anywhere near the white house.

I really hate Trump. But I hate that you pushed me to vote for him because the alternative meant that this politically correct toxic culture would continue to saturate all parts of our society.

I support resistance. The resistance against the anti-fascists who are beating people up in our streets and threatening someone with violence for speaking their mind. If their idea is ridiculous, have a civil debate and stop using violence in an attempt to win an argument.

What a nonsense - the violence has been minimal, and no more than the usual violent idiots you get in any situation, from any group.

Also, I would buy you not wanting to vote for a DNC candidate because of the way they handle their primaries or whatever, sure. The idea you'd be willing to vote for a GOP candidate after their blatent disregard for the public, truth and democracy is laughable.

If you are claiming you want to punish the DNC by withholding your vote from them, sure, fine. Rewarding the GOP for the way they acted? A joke. Completely undermines your point.

This just reads like so many of the comments I've read recently - focusing on the very small negatives of 'the left' while completely ignoring the huge issues from 'the right'. It's such a nonsense.

I think violence is only a pretty fringe part of the movement. It's like KKK members who support Trump. They definitely exist but they are a very small percentage of his actual supporters

There it is; they were "pushed" to vote for him. What do you say about someone who decides instead of incrementally fixing a problem with discipline and superior solutions and consensus, instead decides to spin the wheel with an unknown, likely setting decades of labor and institutions on fire, when vulnerable real lives are at stake.

Exactly how an immature child behaves, flipping the game board, without regard for anyone else.

And all that horrible "politically correctness", aka having manners and respecting others regardless of your own bad upbringing, racism, prejudices, and ignorance; actually demonstrating their own emotional limitations and refusal to evolve.

GOP leader calling for a Kent State again; is that what you mean? The violence is on both sides, a small minority and you know it.

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