Uhh, you got on the wrong ship if you think Ubiquiti has nothing to defend, your employer is a constant and consistent GPL violator[1], and due to the constant failures and overpromisiong on features (TDMA in particular) alongside the serious supply chain issues Ubiquiti has had over the past decade, your major customers are dumping your hardware en mass[2].
I don't see Solar or IoT cameras/switches/power strips saving Ubiquiti either, the fiber CPE might buy your company a few months of runway, if supply issues don't strangle it tho.
I don't see Solar or IoT cameras/switches/power strips saving Ubiquiti either, the fiber CPE might buy your company a few months of runway, if supply issues don't strangle it tho.
1 - http://libertybsd.net/ubiquiti/
2 - https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r31113160-ePMP-Elevate