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> but we'll almost certainly see a drop in the number of young people attending college, since there's no "need".

More likely the opposite. Making $12K/year sucks. You can make $12K/year + 17K/year by flipping burgers, but that still sucks. Much better to go to college and then make $12K/year + 70K/year.

And a UBI allows more people to do that because it reduces the risk of quitting a bad job to go to school.

The jobs for that would still be not there...

So, why go to school?

> The jobs for that would still be not there...

> So, why go to school?

You would obviously go to school for the jobs that are still there.

And if there hypothetically aren't any then what difference would a UBI make to that?

Why do you read hn? Is part of the motivation to learn something new?

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